courses I teach regularly:
"hate speech, manifestos, and radical writings"
technologies of power, anarchy, anti-assimilationist queers, radical feminist performance art, violence, suicide bombers, revolution, resistance, &more
"gender, madness, and justice"
histories of madness, gender socialization, sexuality, eating and body image, stupidity, depression, feminist therapy, menstrual activism, & more
"critical perspectives on sexuality"
trans identity, history of sexuality, moral panics of sexuality, fetish, LGBT legal rights, orgasm, crime, sexual commerce, hooking up, sex ed, & more
"gender, bodies, and health"
food politics, breast cancer, intersexed infants, medicalization, pregnancy, exercise, birth control, abortion, fatness, low-wage work, menopause, & more
"introduction to social and cultural analysis"
postcolonial manifestos, homophobia, rhetoric of war, interracial dating, wealthfare, poverty, immigration, sexual violence, third wave activism, & more
"women and gender in contemporary society"
hunger strikes, globalization, women/animals, fraternity violence, genital surgeries, teen dating, race riots, politics of hair, language politics, & more
"abject bodies and the politics of trash"
circus freaks, white trash, scum and SCUM, dirt/housework, black rebellion, trashy novels, abject bodies, radical eco-activism, dumpster diving
"capstone: practices/approaches"
postcolonial theory, disability and queerness, the politics of silence, feminist manifestos, retelling indigenous histories, radical abortion politics
coming soon: "violence, rebellion, revolution"
overthrowing oppressive regimes, Wobblies, Left history, Panthers, political violence, terrorism, lesbian avengers, James Baldwin, fighting theory, affect theory, liminality, embodied resistance
"hate speech, manifestos, and radical writings"
technologies of power, anarchy, anti-assimilationist queers, radical feminist performance art, violence, suicide bombers, revolution, resistance, &more
"gender, madness, and justice"
histories of madness, gender socialization, sexuality, eating and body image, stupidity, depression, feminist therapy, menstrual activism, & more
"critical perspectives on sexuality"
trans identity, history of sexuality, moral panics of sexuality, fetish, LGBT legal rights, orgasm, crime, sexual commerce, hooking up, sex ed, & more
"gender, bodies, and health"
food politics, breast cancer, intersexed infants, medicalization, pregnancy, exercise, birth control, abortion, fatness, low-wage work, menopause, & more
"introduction to social and cultural analysis"
postcolonial manifestos, homophobia, rhetoric of war, interracial dating, wealthfare, poverty, immigration, sexual violence, third wave activism, & more
"women and gender in contemporary society"
hunger strikes, globalization, women/animals, fraternity violence, genital surgeries, teen dating, race riots, politics of hair, language politics, & more
"abject bodies and the politics of trash"
circus freaks, white trash, scum and SCUM, dirt/housework, black rebellion, trashy novels, abject bodies, radical eco-activism, dumpster diving
"capstone: practices/approaches"
postcolonial theory, disability and queerness, the politics of silence, feminist manifestos, retelling indigenous histories, radical abortion politics
coming soon: "violence, rebellion, revolution"
overthrowing oppressive regimes, Wobblies, Left history, Panthers, political violence, terrorism, lesbian avengers, James Baldwin, fighting theory, affect theory, liminality, embodied resistance